How much should I pay my Babysitter?

Babysitter Rates

The amount you should pay your babysitter depends on a number of factors. The local 17 year old neighbour watching over your 9 year old for a couple of hours is likely to charge less than an experienced childcare provider who has childcare qualifications and is caring for a young baby.

Where you live also can be a factor. The cost of living in some parts of the country is higher than others which can affect babysitter rates.

If the babysitter is caring for more than one of your children at the same time then you might expect to pay more. Babysitters caring for young babies or young twins are likely to have more responsibilities and work to do so may charge higher rates.

Generally traditional babysitting rates seem to be between £8 per hour and £12 per hour but a babysitter in London or some other areas may charge more and as much as £15+ per hour.

Babysitter Cost Comparison Tool

We have produced an online Childcare Costs comparison tool which will allow you to enter your postcode and see the average rate that babysitters are charging in your local area.



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