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Nic Catt

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5 stars



Nicola has looked after my eldest son since he was 10 months old (January 2009) and his younger brother since October 2011.

Both of my children have always enjoyed going to Nicola's. The boys feel that they are part of her family, helped by the interaction of Nicola's children with the boys.

As a parent I can't fault Nicola, she has followed my lead with both boys from day one with regards to feeds, eating, sleep routines and potty training. Nicola undertakes a wide range of activities with the children, from attending local toddler groups to baking with the children in her home. Nicola is safety conscious and I feel the boys are secure in her care.

Nicola completes a daily diary of what the boys have done, eaten and achieved. In addition to following the Early Years framework, Nicola produces and maintains fantastic journals for the children, full of photos and notes of key milestones and activities they have achieved / undertaken.

Where my children have required additional support Nicola has followed the guidance provided from the children's health care professionals. As the boys have grown older and started pre-school and school she has helped the boys with the transition.

I would thoroughly recommend Nicola as a childminder.