Babysitters in Duns

We have 3 babysitters in Duns listed in our online babysitting directory. You can narrow these results down to find the perfect babysitter for you using the options on the search bar above.

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Babysitter in Duns Tew

I am very passionate about childcare and have a great working knowledge of children's needs and development from birth to 10 years. I love being outdoors, baking/cooking, getting…

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Babysitter in Duns

I am a mum of a 6 year old boy and have two dogs I enjoy being outdoors, crafts and baking. I believe in gentle and attachment parenting and bring this into my childcare work.…

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Babysitter in Duns

Usually responds within 30 minutes

Mum of 3,currently in the process of becoming a registered childminder. First Aid courses & checks to be completed soon.

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