Nannies in Broadway

We have 3 nannies in Broadway listed in our online nanny directory. You can narrow these results down to find the perfect nanny for you using the options on the search bar above.

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Nanny in Ealing Broadway

My name is Sara, I was born and raised in Italy. I am a cheerful and caring person.

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Nanny in Broadway

Hi, I am 30 years old. I live with my husband and my 4 and 1 year olds in Broadway. I am a very friendly, honest and caring person who loves to be around children. My favourite…

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Nanny in Ealing Broadway

Hello, this is Nevin. I work companionship to elderly such as playing games like chess, cards and backgammon... I am a highly motivated and hard-working nanny with 5 years experi…

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