Childminding Assistants and Staff

Childminder Guides > Childminder Assistants and Staff

How to register an assistant with Ofsted

You must follow safer recruitment procedures when taking on an assistant.

An assistant can be employed if they have fixed days and hours of work or self-employed if they are freelance (free to work elsewhere).

If your assistant is self-employed, they cannot be included in your ratios.

Before you start the Ofsted application process, you should check whether you need local authority planning permission.

The applicant might need a new DBS check.

You must complete the Report New Adults in the Home form to notify Ofsted of your intention to work with an assistant.

Ofsted might ask the applicant to complete a health check.

Note that the assistant can start working with you, but they must be fully supervised by you – this means that they cannot be left unsupervised with children during the application process.

While you are waiting to complete the application process, you must deliver induction training to your assistant. This is set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for childminders (paragraph 3.31).

When the Ofsted application process is completed, you will receive a letter from Ofsted stating that the assistant is suitable to work with children.

You will need to add your assistant to your insurance. childminder insurance includes cover for a registered assistant.

If you want to leave your assistant unsupervised with children you must have written permission from parents.

Before you can leave your assistant unsupervised with children, they must have completed a 12-hour paediatric first aid training course. members receive a discount for the Tigerlily first aid course.

Childminder Assistants & Staff information and documents

Registering a Childminder Assistant

Childminder Assistant Contracts

Childminding Assistant & Staff Training

Assistants & Staff Webinars

Introduction to Working with an Assistant

Employing an Assistant

Apprentices and Students

Compliance with the EYFS

Staff Handbook

Staff Induction and Ongoing Training

Staff Personnel File

Staff Payroll & Pension

Staff Manual Handling

Staff Observations

Staff Policies

Staff Record Keeping

Staff Risk Assessments

Safer Recruitment

Staff Safer Recruitment Documents

Staff Suitability Checks

Staff Privacy Notice

Staff Supervisions & Meetings

The Equality Act 2010

The Key Person Role

Staff Wellbeing

Floor Space Requirements

Planning Permission

Menopause in Early Years Provisions

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