How much does childcare cost in your area?

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Star rating

Parents near BL1 have rated childcare providers with an average 4.9 star rating.


Nannies in BL1 tend to cost around £12.07 per hour, compared with £12.86 elsewhere in North West and £13.60 nationally.

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* - The total cost of hiring a Nanny can be more complicated, find out more about paying a Nanny.


Childminders are generally cheaper than nannies, as the cost of care is shared across more children. In BL1, childminder fees tend to be £5.08 per hour, compared with £5.34 elsewhere in North West and £6.42 nationally.

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Babysitters offer evening and weekend care - and are often for occasional work - so it's normal for the hourly rate to be higher than for childminders. In BL1, babysitters tend to charge £10.79 per hour, compared with £11.26 elsewhere in North West and £11.99 nationally.

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Hourly rates for nurseries are normally similar to childminders, but there are often extras to pay for. In BL1, Nursery fees tend to be in the region of £6.59 per hour, compared with £6.51 elsewhere in North West and £6.69 nationally.

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The above data is based upon live average rates data from our childcare provider advertisers and is for informational purposes only. do not set or recommend the rates of pay for childcare providers. In most cases nannies must be employed on a PAYE basis and the legal national minimum or living wage will apply.