Information Sheets for Parents

Childminder Paperwork > Information Sheets for Parents

There are 2 statutory policies for the Early Years Foundation Stage - Safeguarding and Child Protection and Complaints.

In addition to the statutory policies, there are other policies which early years providers find it useful to have in writing, to share how they work with parents.

We have a range of sample Polices and Procedures and guidance which you can use to adapt to suit your particular needs and requirements.

In addition to the above policies, there are many other conversations which providers have with parents that they often wish to share in writing. now provide a series of 90 Information for Parents’ sheets. These are one page guides to support early years providers. They are not intended to create extra workload or require extra record keeping. You should adapt these sample documents to suit your setting and requirements.

Information Sharing with Parents

Introduction to sharing information with parents 


1. Biting

2. Bullying

3. Meal time issues

4. Physical intervention

5. Self-regulation

6. Tantrums

7. Telling lies


1. Curriculum planning

2. The 7 areas of learning

3. Communication and language


5. Physical – gross motor

6. Physical – fine motor

7. Literacy – pre-reading

8. Literacy – pre-writing

9. Mathematics

10. Understanding the world

11. Expressive arts and design

Health and safety

1. Accident, injury & first aid

2. Animals & pets

3. Baby milk

4. Comfort objects


6. Covid-19

7. Food and drink

8. Hand washing

9. Meal times

10. Nappy changing

11. Oral health

12. Packed lunches

13. Paediatric first aid

14. Potty and toilet training

15. Risk assessment

16. Sleeping babies & children

17. Sun protection

18. Weaning

19. Is your child ready for the toilet?

20. Online Health & Safety

Learning and development

1. Activities and experiences

2. Characteristics of learning

3. Children’s interests

4. Climbing

5. Daily routines

6. Early writing

7. Group planning

8. Guide to the EYFS

9. Inclusive practice

10. Individual planning

11. Learning and development record keeping

12. Music and movement

13. Outings

14. Outside play

15. Pencil control

16. Play and the EYFS

17. Promoting independence

18. Resources for learning

19. SEND provision

20. Supporting home learning

21. Supporting transitions

22. Technology

Medical conditions

1. Anaphylaxis

2. Asthma

3. Eczema

4. Hayfever

5. Head injuries

6. Rotavirus

7. Supporting your child’s medical conditions

8. Non-Prescribed Medication

9. Medication Handover

Safeguarding and welfare

1. Admissions

2. Arrivals and departures

3. Attendance monitoring

4. Attendance record keeping

5. British values

6. E-safety

7. Existing accidents

8. Incident record keeping

9. Information sharing

10. Key person roles

11. Ofsted inspection

12. Overnight care

13. Parent partnerships

14. Parent permissions

15. Parental responsibility

16. Photographs

17. Policies and procedures

18. Staffing in the setting

19. Vehicles

20. Visitors

21. Working with other settings and professionals

22. Confidentiality

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