Changes to the EYFS 2024
Childminder Paperwork > Changes to the EYFS
The Early Years Foundation Stage for childminders 2024 started from 4th January 2024
Ofsted have updated their early years inspection handbook to reflect the changes in the EYFS statutory framework.
The changes to the EYFS for childminders are wide-ranging. gold members can watch our Changes to the EYFS 2024 webinar which details what needs to be updated and reviewed. have been looking at ways you can evidence the new expectations, so you feel confident that, if an Ofsted inspector arrives tomorrow, you will be able to talk about what the children have been doing and learning – without lots of photos or files or tick lists or documentation.
Less workload will leave time for quality play – more time for prioritising fun and making memories.
This document will help you to audit the changes to the EYFS 2024.
This document will help you to audit the changes to the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the EYFS for childminders 2024 in more detail.
Read our Parents guide to the EYFS
Information sheets for parents now provide a series of 89 Information for Parents sheets. These are one page guides to support early years providers. They are not intended to create extra workload or require extra record keeping. You should adapt these sample documents to suit your setting and requirements.
1. Review your curriculum
• What is your vision for your setting?
• Think about what you want the children to learn – what skills, knowledge and experiences you want them to gain while they are with you.
• Is your curriculum broad and balanced? Before you make any changes, think: what is working well?
• Is your curriculum well sequenced for every child?
• Does your curriculum include fun activities for the child? have provided you with a carefully sequenced curriculum, by age, for you to use as a starting point. No published curriculum will give you everything you need for every child.
Overview of Planning in the Early Years
Read our Overview of Planning in the Early Years
Sample Early Years Curriculum Guidance
Read our Sample Early Years Curriculum Guidance
EAL Toolkit (updated)
Communication & Language Toolkit
Communication & Language Toolkit
Science Experiments
2. Ensure your curriculum supports every child
• The educational programmes in the EYFS are described as ‘high level curriculum summaries’ – you will find published guidance from DfE (Development Matters) and the sector (Birth to 5 Matters) to support you. Ofsted call the curriculum for every child your ‘intent’.
• Think about the balance of child-initiated and adult-guided play – you need to work from each child’s ‘next steps’ to provide them with a curriculum that supports their learning, development and progress.
• Note that Ofsted inspection is not about what topics or themes or schemes you follow or whether you are a Forest School or Montessori setting. Ofsted will ask, ‘What is it like for a child here?’
• Think about how well you balance child initiated and adult-guided play through the days and weeks. have provided you with a series of provision planning, themed planning and continuous provision planning guides, updated for the new curriculum expectations.
The 7 Areas of Learning Educational Programmes & Activity Planning
Read our 7 Areas of Learning Guidance & Activity Planning Guides
Provision Planning for the 7 Areas of Learning Guidance
Read our Provision Planning for the 7 Areas of Learning Guidance
Activity Guides & Baby Theorists
Quick Activity Guides for the 7 Areas of Learning
Quick Activity Guides for different Ages of Children
Themed Planning Guidance
Read our Themed Planning Guidance
Sample Continuous Provision Planning Guidance
Read our Sample Continuous Provision Planning Guidance
Guidance to Help you Support Children's Schemas
Read our Guidance to Help you Support Children's Schemas
Quality Teaching
We know from the revised Ofsted inspection handbook (and provider feedback that Ofsted inspectors are focusing on quality teaching during inspection. We have provided you with guidance to help you focus on planning for learning, teaching British values and teaching so children learn. Ofsted call this your implementation.
Read our quality teaching guidance:
3. Watch and listen and notice
• Speak to parents and find out about the child’s home and family life – you need to start building a picture of the child from day 1 of their time in the setting.
• Ask parents for details about their child’s learning and development starting points.
• Ensure you – and your staff – have a good knowledge of child development.
• Note which learning characteristics the child is currently using in their play.
• Value all learning – the new curriculum should focus on depth of learning, not rushing children on.
• Think carefully about ‘what next?’ for the child – how you can support their progress.
Child Development Guidance have provided you with detailed child development guidance for different ages of children.
Read our Child Development Guidance
4. Note the child’s progress
• Play with the child, enjoying your time together – spot teachable moments on the spot, as you are playing together, when you can pop in a little bit of learning.
• Get the relationships right for every child, ensuring they have a key person from day 1.
• Set up your environment, including resources linked to the child’s current interests and new things you want them to learn.
• Over the child’s time with you, note how well they are engaging with your curriculum.
• Spot if there are any concerns with their progress.
• Speak to parents to ensure you have the full picture of what the child can and cannot yet do.
Communication & Language Assessment
6 Steps to Successful Starting Points have provided you with this guidance which will support you when asking parents about their child’s starting points – their home, family and community learning experiences which will enable you to plan their individual curriculum from day 1 in the setting.
6 Steps to Successful Starting Points
Quick Assessment Checks have provided you with ‘quick assessment checks’ to use if you or parents want to track the child’s progress at a deeper level and further guidance to help you assess the child’s progress if you or parents have concerns.
Read our Series of Quick Assessment Checks
Detailed Assessment Toolkits
Read More Detailed Assessment Toolkits
5. Comply with the statutory requirements
✔ When the child is between the ages of 2 and 3, write a Progress Check at 2.
✔ Cover the child’s progress – and what they are working on next – in the prime areas of learning.
✔ Include parent comments and ask parents to sign the check.
✔ Put the check in the child’s file and, where possible, ask parents to share it at their child’s 2 year old health visitor check.
Progress Check a 2 Guidance have provided you with guidance to help you complete a Progress Check at 2 without levels or grades or tick lists.
Read our Progress Check at 2 Guidance
Preparing for Ofsted Inspection - The 3 I's: Intent, Implementation and Impact
The 3 I's: Intent, Implementation and Impact
6. Oral Health Resources
The EYFS 2021 introduced the requirement to: ‘Promote the good health, including the oral health, of children attending the setting.’ This requirement has continued into the later versions of the framework.
We have produced 27 Oral Health Resources and guides for childcare providers to help them comply with the new requirements.
7. Documents for early years providers provide a range of free documents and paperwork for registered childminders and other early years providers.
Childminder Organiser - Free 100+ page organiser to you organise your early years business and plan for the year ahead
Childminder Paperwork - Free statutory and non-statutory forms and other paperwork
Childminder Contracts - Free contracts, fees policy, assistant contracts and more
Childminder Policies & Procedures - Free statutory and non-statutory policies - Updated for EYFS 2021
Childminder Guides - Hundreds of childminder guides and resources
Health & Safety Toolkit - Free series of guides to support early years practitioners with all aspects of health and safety
Safeguarding Quick Reference Cards - Free reference cards to help manage child protection and safeguarding
Childminder Audits - Childminder audits – to help you review and improve your early years setting.
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