How do parents really feel about screens?
Technology - love or hate it, there is simply no living without it. As the media seems to be so split on the idea of children and technology, we asked our community how they felt about children’s screen time and gadgets. … read more
Parents get MORE STRESSED about an UNTIDY HOME than anything else (including the health of their children and lack of sleep)
Parenting, stressful isn’t it? Thankfully, we’re not alone in feeling the pressures of parenthood, and long gone are the days of trying to make out family life is perfect. With that in mind, we wanted to find out exactly what causes parents the most stress, so asked members of the community what causes them the most stress as a parent and their perceptions on mental health and how this relates to parenting. … read more
The Revised Early Years Inspection Framework
Ofsted have published a revised early years inspection framework for the early years. … read more
The votes are in – UK parents say BOYS are EASIER to raise than GIRLS
We all know that parenting boys and girls is both a challenge and an absolute joy, but is one gender really easier to raise than the other? We surveyed our members to find out exactly that and according to 66% of UK parents, the answer is boys are easier. … read more
It's our 10th Birthday and we're giving away £500 amazon vouchers to some of our very first customers
Free Early Years Health & Safety Toolkit
Suitable for registered childminders & early years settings This new series of FREE information guides has been put together to support early years practitioners with all aspects of health and safety and includes the following guidance: … read more
FREE £10m Nanny Insurance
Free £10m Public Liability Insurance and Legal Expenses for Nannies Nannies who are gold members of can receive £10m of free public liability insurance. … read more
Join our free Nursery Chat facebook group
Join our free Nursery Chat facebook group for all nursery staff We already run the UK's largest facebook groups for childminders and nannies, and are pleased to announce the launch of Nursery Chat, a free facebook group for all nursery staff and nursery management. … read more
Free £10m Childminder Insurance
Free £10m Public Liability Insurance for Childminders Childminders who are gold members of can receive £10m of free public liability insurance. … read more