Government releases its COVID-19 recovery strategy but childminders are left more confused than before

11th May 2020

The government has published OUR PLAN TO REBUILD: The UK Government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy but childminders and parents are left more confused than ever. In the document, childminders are mentioned just once on page 26.

What does this mean? The government are clarifying that paid childcare such as childminders can take place (subject to being able to meet the public health principles) because it is a role where working from home is not possible.

However, a fundamental principle of a childminder is that they do work from home.

Sky News were quick to report that "nannies and childminders are allowed to resume work" yet moments later Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated in the House of Commons that he hoped nurseries and childminders would be able to reopen for some children from the beginning of June.


There has so far been silence from the Department for Education and Ofsted - childminders are more confused than ever.

We will bring further updates from the news centre as and when they happen.

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