Under 5s will be able to get a coronavirus test from 1st June say DfE
The Department for Education has confirmed Prime Minister Boris Johnson's intention to open schools and early years settings more widely from 1st June.

The DfE have also stated that all children, including under 5s, will be eligible for coronavirus testing if they exhibit symptoms, after we asked how early years settings would manage coronavirus symptoms without tests being available for under 5s.
However, the NHS website states that "tests are not suitable for children under 5 years old".

Will new tests be used for under 5s that are suitable?
Is the information on the NHS website incorrect?
How accurate are tests for under 5s?
What happens if the parents of a child with Coronavirus symptoms refuse to get them tested?
There are still many unanswered questions that our team will endeavour to find out for our members.
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