The Rise of the Virtual Tutor - the safe way to educate

With schools closed for the majority of children and most parents working from home, life at the moment for most parents is especially challenging.
Most schools are working hard to do their very best to deliver the curriculum to children whilst they are at home by sending work home by post and email. Others are using Virtual Learning Environments to allow pupils to follow their regular timetables as much as possible.
However, things are tough. Not all schools are able to operate virtually. It relies on the school and the pupils having the right technology and enough staff. In many cases, both parents are working from home online and they may have several children all needing to use the internet and asking for help at the same time.
Even if you've got several internet devices, a fast broadband connection and any other technology you need, how can parents really ensure that their children are being supervised and getting the education they deserve?
The answer is surprisingly simple - the virtual tutor. There is currently nothing stopping parents employing a private tutor to come to their homes to help the kids with their schoolwork, but with government guidelines on social distancing and recommendations that contact with others is kept to a minimum, there is nothing safer than the tutor being off-site.
It is becoming increasingly popular for parents to use virtual private tutors, working from the tutor's home remotely and using off-the-shelf video calling platforms such as Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, Facebook Live and WhatsApp.
In some cases parents are clubbing together to arrange virtual private lessons for several children at the same time.
Could this be the mainstream education of the future?
How much does a Virtual Tutor cost?
Virtual tutors set their own rates depending upon their experience, qualifications and their area of expertise. We are seeing some tutors charge as little as £10 per hour and others more than £50 per hour.
Find a Virtual Tutor
At we have over 5000 private tutors currently advertising on our platform. It's free, quick and easy to register and to search for tutors.
How do I become a Virtual Tutor
If you have the necessary skills and experience to be a virtual tutor then you can register for free and create a free profile advertising your services. We have over 5000 families seeking tutors.
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