If I could invent a Childminder...
Updated Review! Our twin boys are starting reception the week after next so very sadly we have had to say goodbye to Nicci and her fabulous childcare setting. It has been entirely our pleasure sending the boys to Nicci and she is like family to us. We have moved villages so unfortunately Nicci cannot provide the wraparound care either which is a shame as given the choice, I would not look elsewhere. The boys have loved every second of the last four years at Nicci's. We visited their new classes today and the teachers were very impressed with their numeracy skills, their knowledge of loose parts and other activities, even their scissor skills! One of my son's said to me 'look Mummy I have cut it in half'. The teachers looked at one another and said 'ooh tick!'. The teachers were very appreciative of all the development paperwork Nicci provided and I know Nicci given them the confidence and skills they need to start reception in the best possible position. I said very proudly to them, everything they know and can do is full credit to Nicci. As a full time working mummy, what else could I ask for?!