5 stars

Thanks Claire!


Claire has looked after my daughter Isabella (who has just turned 1) since December and it couldn't have gone any better. I was nervous about going back to work full-time and leaving Isabella but Claire made it so easy.

Isabella clearly loves spending time with Claire and her family, shouting with excitement when we arrive in the morning. Her development has really come on too- she can now say quite a few words which I believe is down to Claire's continued praise and encouragement.

The standard of care Claire provides is great. She prepares varied, nutritional meals and somehow managed to get my fussy daughter to eat from a spoon- miracle!

One of the best aspects of the care Claire provides is the communication. Claire completes a diary every day so I know what activities Isabella has taken part in, what she has eaten, whether she has slept well at nap time and a description of her nappies. I find it very comforting to have such regular detail about Isabella's day. If there are any issues e.g. not sleeping or teething, we work together to sort them out.

Thanks for everything Claire!

Emma, James and Isabella

by EJG

Response from Claires Kiddiecare

i have now had Isabella in my car for 3 half months an can hoestly say i lov her to death, she feels like part of my family, 1 of my own :)

Isabella has a amazing character, always on the go, she keeps me on my toes lol, she has a grt understanding of the boudries now within the setting will push sometimes but knows what she is doing lol,
her progress within speach an her ability to learn an development is speedy
all in all a special little girl

Emma, James, are i have to say excellant parents to work for, always giving info, asking for advice if needed and best of all have great personalitys, all this makes our professional working relationship brilliant, an all for our angel Isabella

so wot more can i say
i love Isabella an hope she will remain in my care for as long as possible
