Extremely unhappy with incident.
I was extremely happy with Amy’s care of my child until she hired an assistant. Upon collection of my child on several occasions when the assistant answered due to Amy being busy caring for the other children she would not know what my child had eaten or what she had done during the day. I would like to know what my child had done during the day and had eaten upon collection.
On one occasion I collected my child and the door was answered by the assistant who stated my child was asleep, and she would get her. I saw through the window my child fast asleep on the floor laid down. The assistant picked her up straight onto her feet and walked her to the door disoriented.
I spoke to Amy about this as Ofsted states a child should be roused awake. Not just lifted directly from sleep and made to walk. Amy lied and stated my child was not asleep.
Amy has a ring doorbell which will of caught her assistant saying “your child is asleep, I will go and get her”. Why would my child be laid flat on the floor if not asleep?!
I believe if Amy could lie about that, what else could she lie about what she does when my child is within her care. How is she treating her when I cannot see what she is doing. I pulled her from her care as I no longer had trust in her.
I reported this incident to Ofsted.
I have recently made a review of this privately on another website and have received a threat from Amy stating she is “taking this further”.
It is not illegal to post a review of an incident that truthfully occurred and is documented.
To threaten a past customer due to not liking being exposed for poor care is aberrant.