An important part of our child's early years
Our child joined the Little Diamonds family soon after turning one. Transitions were always very hard for our little one, a very sensitive soul - and Mandy recognised this and did all she could to help our child feel safe and loved when apart from us. Over the years, our now 4 year old has developed strong bonds with the other children in Mandys care, as well as Mandys own family :) Our child has always enjoyed seeing Mandys Mum and chatting to the extended family when they pop round. Also, because Mandy has cared for children in the area for so long, she has her own strong links with other childminders and they often meet at local playgroups, forest school and activity groups together - further extending the social circle for the children while maintaining a recognisable pattern of events that our daughter always looks forward too.
Activities at home include crafts, stories, singing, baking, lots of free play and on warmer days, fun in the garden... waterplay on hot days. Mandy also has themes that inform activities sometimes, for example a book they've read together.
There's also Ziggy, Mandys grown sons pet tortoise! We all love ziggy. Sometimes the children get to pop to the pet shop and buy his favourite food to feed him!
We can't recommend Mandy enough and will be very happy to answer and Q's you may have while considering Little Diamonds.