Our perfect nanny!
Jane is a fantastic nanny and became part of our family very quickly. We were lucky to nanny share with a local family (I found Jane on this website and she was already working with them) who had a little girl a few months older than my little one, and her and my daughter got on extremely well. We were gutted when COVID/lockdown brought this to an abrupt end. We have kept in close contact throughout lockdown (via facetime and whatsapp) and it was lovely to meet up for a socially distanced walk recently :) I know we will stay in touch.
The nanny share was based at my house, by choice, as it worked best for both families. My daughter's routine was respected and Jane kept to it perfectly - this meant my daughter flourished in so many ways. She still had her sleep and her fab homemade (agreed and made by Jane) meals (which Jane would pop in a tupperware and put in the fridge if it wasn't finished, any also got plenty of stimulation via the playgroups Jane took the girls to, the walks outside, the reading and playing they did at home together etc. The girls were like sisters which was amazing, as we only have one child (who is now finding it challenging to share!!).
We found communicating with Jane very easy, she would never need to be asked twice about anything at all - no matter how big or small. If I was being particularly fussy about anything I knew I could talk to Jane about it and things would be completely sorted. She helped me relax as a first time mum too, and I could tell she took a massive interest in my daughter and her development (and still does). Jane also kept a book on each of the girls which I treasure, and I've added it to my daughter's memory box for her to read in years to come :)
Thank you Jane for being so fantastic, you were the best solution to our childcare. We are sorry to not be continuing but unfortunately Jane can't make the move to Buckinghamshire with us!! ;-)