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Michelle F

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5 stars

The best ever!


Sharon looks after my one year old daughter full time and my 6 year old daughter after school and during holidays. She has looked after my eldest since just before she turned three, so we have known her for quite a long time now.

I’ve always said she is just like ‘super nanny’ cause she is just so amazing with the kids in her care. My girls love her to pieces and Sharon has become another member of our family.

She always has activities planned out for each day and takes them on regular outings to a variety of places including zoos, museums, farms, beaches, playgroups, play centres…I could go on forever. My eldest’s favourite is when they go to Liverpool and have a trip on the ferry and go to see the ‘super-lamb bananas’.

If it wasn’t for Sharon being able to look after my youngest when my maternity leave ended, I don’t think I would have returned to work. She is one of the few people who I trust completely with my children. I know that they are always safe and well cared for with her, and I know that she will make sure they have fun filled days, whilst ensuring that they learn not just about their ABC’s and 123’s, but also about how to grow up into good people.

She doesn’t tolerate any misbehaviour, but she is fair and listens to the children and explains in a caring but firm voice as to why the behaviour is wrong. She puts a huge emphasis on feelings and asks children how they would feel if it was them. This has left a lasting impression on my eldest, who I am told by her school teachers is the peace maker when her friends fallout.

She works very closely with her families to make sure that her childcare is consistent with how we do things at home. She keeps us updated with daily diaries, so that we know what they have been up to, how many naps they’ve had, any developmental achievements, what they ate and even how many nappy changes, so that we don’t feel we are missing out while we are working.

I also know that if ever we needed anything, whether or not it is childcare related, she will be there to listen and help in anyway she can.
My youngest gets so excited whenever I say that we have to get ready for Sharon’s. She will run to the front door and shout ‘aaarrraaannn’(her sound for Sharon) with a big grin on her face.

Over the years we have got to know her family very well. Her husband Peter is fantastic with the kids, both my girls love him to bits and my eldest always wants to go say hello whenever we walk past Prendoolys. The boys are an absolute credit to Sharon and Peter and are both like big brothers to all the kids Sharon looks after. They join them on daytrips and I have turned up many times to find them reading the kids stories and getting involved in games, no matter how babyish and they don’t care if it makes them look ‘un-cool’ in front of their friends.

I think that anyone would be hard pressed to find a childminder who loves her job as much as Sharon, she is just one of them rare people who can get along with anyone, no matter how young or old, no matter what background they come from, she just cares about people and especially children.
I feel extremely lucky to have Sharon look after my children.