Avatar for NannieC

London Borough Of Bromley

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5 stars

Wonderful Childminder and Lovely Home


My daughter has been with her childminder since she was 3 months old and has been cared for really well. Her home setting is warm and welcoming she has eveything a young child needs to develop and grow with confidence. She has a wide variety off toys and resources and learning aids that my child has access to including a very large garden for playing outdoors. I have been so happy with the care provided, this childminder always has time to have a chat with me about how my daughter’s progress and she sends me lovely text messages about my daughter’s day to make me smile. I never worry because I know my child is happy.

My daughter really enjoys the home cooked meals provided which I have tasted and they are delicious! My daughter is always eager to go to her Childminders home and looks forward to the outings and planned activities.

SmartiKids Childcare teaches all the children to be kind, caring and respectful to each other which I see all the time when I drop of and collect my daughter. This Childminder is gentle and kind making her a good role model.

A well respected and trusted Childminder who provides excellent quality childcare. I highly recommend her!

  • 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Setting
  • 5 stars Cleanliness
  • 5 stars Food
  • 5 stars Communication