Avatar for Lorraine Rosser

Lorraine Rosser

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5 stars

Highly recommend Lorraine


My 2.5 yo has been with Lorraine since she turned 1 and I went back to work after maternity.

She has really loved her time here. She talks very highly of Lorraine and gets on well with the other children in the setting.
She especially loves Lorraine’s children, who she talks about all the time. They take time to to get to know the children in the setting and often play with them.

Lorraine is a great childminder. Very good communicator, especially at the beginning when it can be a daunting time for the parents and the child!

Lorraine's setting has been perfect for us, especially when leaving her for the first time. It wasn’t too big, just right! Lorraine does a lovely mixture of activities with the children, which my little girl tells me all about when I pick her up. There’s lots of toys/activities and a great garden for her to explore.

Thanks you for looking after her so well. She is going to miss you all when she starts pre-school in September

  • 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Setting
  • 5 stars Cleanliness
  • 5 stars Food
  • 5 stars Communication