1 stars



Amy accepted a job with us in June to commence full time in September to look after my 10 month old son. From June til September Amy did a large number of settling in days with him. We’d had Amy round a number of times of an evening as she wanted to discuss with us a number of issues she’d encountered with her previous nanny family (including issues such as what she was / wasn’t able to eat in the house and where she could drive to etc). We invested a lot of time with Amy over this three month period. 1.5 days before I was due back at work and Amy was supposed to start full time she sent us a text message saying she was no longer taking the role. This has been very stressful and upsetting for me and my family. Amy did not allow us to have a discussion or conversation to work through whatever problem she had. In fact she told us it was due to a family illness but later that same day advertised for the same role on various sites. We are very upset and angry with the situation we’ve been left in and most importantly for the wasted time my son spent settling in with Amy which he will now not get the opportunity to have with his new nanny. Amy is young and therefore very immature and this was reflected in the way she dealt with this situation. I wouldn’t wish this scenario upon any other family.

Response from amyspend

In response to your allegations of which are totally unjustified firstly my uncle was taken very seriously ill of which i should not have to explain. Secondly I don't expect to be treated like I was a child and being called an idiot. You had amazing referances from my previous employers, I took the time to settle with your child because it was something I was look forward to doing. I this allegation is completely unfounded and false and deformation of character which is completely uncalled for. I tried chat with you many times about certain things which you just hearing and you are now trying to ruin my career all because you didnt agree with something. This totally uncalled for and could have been dealt with privately. To any prospective families this is a false allegation and totally unjust. My previous families never had any issues with myself or my care for there children which at the end of the day is the main point. I am not immature I dealt with the situation i feel very professionally.
Let's just leave it like that and this matter should not of been discussed publically.