Alina used an alias name and let me down with no notice in a Sunday evening. I wouldn’t recommend .
Response from Alina12
I too am disappointed with the way things have turned out but would like to reply to your review.
Firstly, if you felt that my standards were so low then how come you wished to continue to employ me?
It was in fact me who resigned for the following reasons:
1. I stated to you on numerous occasions that I didn’t feel that the children were taking well to me and you agreed that we should discuss this. However you failed to do this despite me asking on numerous occasions.
2. It had been agreed that you would pay me by bank transfer on Thursday evening. This was my second week of working for you and despite me asking four times I was not paid until Saturday morning after several messages by me to you. Therefore I had lost faith that moving forward I would be paid on a regular basis and I am dependent on this income.
I do not use an “alias” name, I explain at interview or soon after that Alina is a nickname that most people call me by, but at all times I use my legal name in all correspondence to do with my business and I am honest regarding using a nickname for day to day.
I did try on numerous occasions to discuss all issues with you but was generally told by you that you were very busy and despite my wishes to resolve all issues I did not feel the same level of commitment or respect towards me, which left me regrettably with no option but to resign.
I take my job very seriously indeed and pride myself on doing a good job and am deeply saddened that this has not worked out.