Superb Childminder
I instantly warmed to Christine, it's like meeting someone new you just know that you'll get along with and will look after your child the way you would. She looks after my 7 year old and has even got my stubborn I don't like anyone 2 year old on board too. And that takes some doing as she is very particular!! Baby number 3 is due soon and in true fashion nothing is ever a problem and is on hand to provide extra hours at short notice if needed. Her home environment is really welcoming and gives you the feeling your child is in safe hands. She has a little play room with lots of toys that both my children bee lined for when we first visited and once in, I couldn't get them out! She takes the kids out at every opportunity, my 7 year old is always asking if she can go with Christine to the park even at weekends. If your looking for a childminder that gives you that gut instinct yep this feels right then Christine is your lady. I highly recommend her :-)