I have found the gold dust!
So, we have a now 10 year old son who has been with Rhian and her amazing team (Leah and Tay) for almost a year now- all I can say is how didn't we find you 5 years ago?!! Rhian has so much love to give to each and every child that attends the true home from home for all the little ones and indeed the older children too! My son absolutely LOVES going home to Rhian's from school - my son Charlie is allowed to express himself freely, speak his mind, offer judgement with none given back in return, he has had more guidance in the last year alone from Rhian, that both myself and my husband have noticed how much he has flourished and grown in his own right. There is so much I could type to sing the praise for Rhian and her not only beautiful home she opens up - but what I would like to really put is the amount of love that she has for each and every child no matter their age. Rhian's home offers the comfortable surrounds of a beautifully kept home, inviting for all the children- she caters for all their needs - play times are always covered no matter the great British weather! With an amazing purpose built cabin full of surprises from books for all ages, toys that the likes of Hamley's would be proud of, and an array of art and crafts, sand and water play, play-dough and cooking- there is always something being created by the children! Her home also boasts an incredible garden with plenty of outside activities catered for all children of different ages too, from a multi climbing frame, swing seat, bikes, scooters, table top games and toys too and so much more! The list is endless! And of course there are the frequent walks and outings in and around our local area which is just beautiful and lots to see and do. Our son Charlie loves to spend time with Rhian's two dogs Pickle and Waffle - and is usually found with them!! He loves to help Rhian cook for her family (he is usually one of the last to go and loves nothing better than to hop up onto the bar stool and ask Rhian what she is cooking and how she does it! and just generally have a natter with her, Tay and Leah and Rhian's family) In my eyes a very valuable lesson for my growing and learning boy - I am always blown away by the positivity that radiates from Rhian and her 2 fantastic ladies Tay and Leah- their inclusivity of all the children is so apparent, she and her ladies goes above and beyond for each and every child, and I truly feel my review is even now, understated !
My final comment for my review is only how sad both my husband and myself feel - and more so is our Charlie - at not finding you so much sooner. For Charlie I know he treasures every moment he is with Rhian - and especially the dogs - he loves the dogs!! - I must finally say that not only is Rhian just a ray of warmth and sunshine - but her family are also just as special, as Charlie really fondly looks up to her son who is of a similar age to his older brother but no longer lives at home. Charlie also holds a great deal of affection for Rhian's husband and her daughter too!
Rhian also caters for all dietary requirements, Charlie is allergic to Dairy and Egg, (he is also massively affected by the many different pollens that effect him throughout the year) in regards to meal times Rhian offers a full range of lovely healthy and nutritious meals and snacks - we do make Charlie's meals for school holidays at home as my husband batch cooks for Charlie - it makes life that little bit easier for us all and it also means that Rhian, Tay and Leah have more time for the little ones who needs bottles preparing, change times and that sort of thing and potty training! We understand completely about routines and so offer to prepare Charlie's main meals so he can bring them to Rhian's - but Rhian always has whatever fruit and snacks Charlie wants to munch on throughout school holidays, and we also feel it is the least we can do to offer in return for all the love and compassion and care Charlie and the little ones get every single day.
Rhian - you have brought our son's beautiful smile to the surface, you have made him stronger, you encourage him in all that he does, you sing his praises and guide him where necessary. You are truly gold dust and we are forever grateful for all the love and support you have showered Charlie with each and every day he is at home with you. Thank you from me - but especially from Charlie ;) x x