Lovely, warm & supportive childminder!
Vicki looked after my son between the ages of 1 and 2 (he had to leave because of a change in my work situation unfortunately).
If you’re looking for someone fun, caring, empathetic and energetic to help you and your child manage the transition into a new childcare routine then I’d say, you’ve found her!
It’s always a wrench to leave your little one, especially to start with, but Vicki was great at settling both of us (!) and it wasn’t long before my son was happily waving goodbye. Even from the first few days, when he was still getting used to me leaving him, he was coming home in great spirits and talking about the toys he had played with (mainly trucks, which he’s obsessed with!) and the other children at Vicki’s, as well her daughter whom he also adored.
After juggling childcare and WFH during COVID, it was difficult to imagine how my child would cope in a new environment - or how I would cope factoring drop offs and picks ups into my days on top of everything else! But I found it was just enough of a change for my son to help with his confidence and social progress, without being too daunting. I actually think it was easier for him in lots of ways than being in the house with me when I wasn’t fully available. And it gave him a change of scene, new playthings and experiences, all of which he clearly found valuable.
I also found it really healthy for me to start the day with the drop off routine while WFH. It helped create a good boundary between family time and work, which I’d lost a bit when I stopped commuting.
His usual routine was well really managed, so the transition wasn’t too tricky, and he always slept well during the day at Vicki’s. Vicki also made sure he got time outside to burn off some energy, as well as quiet time reading and lots of free play with the toys. Her place is always spotless and still feels really homey, and Vicki always supported my son in following his interests so he was able to undertake activities depending on his mood, just like we do at home, which I loved.
His language skills and counting/colour recognition etc were always taking leaps forward and Vicki would take every opportunity to help him develop those skills, from focused play to identifying numbers they saw when out on walks, for instance. My little one also loves singing songs and he would often come home and share the nursery rhymes they’d been singing that day.
Vicki always made sure there were plenty of healthy food and snack choices available. My son is a finickety eater, but she was very patient with him and made sure there was something for him to eat that he liked, as well as encouraging him to try new things.
Just as important as the excellent care Vicki gave my little one, was the kindness she showed me. Vicki was willing to be flexible where she could, was always caring to us both, and really understood the types of things (big and small) which I wanted to hear about in my son’s days and development.
I can’t recommend Vicki highly enough - we really miss seeing her every day!