Home away from home
Working in the childcare profession myself, I was very particular in my preferences about who would be taking care of my child while I was at work. Safehands level of professionalism as well as her caring and nurturing demeanour won me over from the outset.
Needless to say, over the years as my family grew, my three children were all booked into her setting.
She has provided my children with delicious home -cooked meals, some of which I have had the honour of sampling myself. The planning for the month is in line with their development and feedback about their activities are provided on a daily basis through messages,videos and through verbal communication. My youngest child is currently still in the setting and despite being there for quite some time still gets excited in the mornings to go there. She is caring and understanding and it's a huge plus that my children enjoy being around her even the older ones who have now graduated from her service.
I would highly recommend her services and for all three of my children to have been there for a period stretching way over ten years and still going, says a lot about all the things she is doing right.