Fantastic nursery
The alternative vibe of the nursery is just gold and a complete stand out. Whilst the younger girls can understandably lack the maturity and experience required for parental rapport in these settings, the maturer, laid back staff such as Ella and John who also have their own children, which brings a valuable empathic element to parental rapport, absolutely make the vibe of this nursery what it is, and they both would make fantastic supervisors. These two totally 'get' kids, which as a parent is all you really want. Lovely people, cannot recommend enough.
This is the most flexible nursery I have come across, and they demonstrate an absolute genuine care for the children. You can instantly tell during the settling in sessions that their concern is the child not profits. Settling in policy is also outstanding and completely guided by the parent and child's needs. Couldn't be more perfect in this regard. So refreshing!
Response from Pumpkin Patch
Thank-you for the lovely review, I will pass your comments onto the team. Ella and John are fantastic, completely agree!
Thanks again