Cadzow Review - 5 stars easily
My daughter has attended Cadzow since I returned to work when she was 1 year old, however her settling in days began a month before hand and was tailored to suit her. The staff were happy to go at her and my pace. Like any first time parent I was really anxious and concerned about handing my baby over to strangers but all the staff have been consistently and genuinely warm, gentle and caring.
She is now over 2 and a 1/2 and the staff have helped her navigate walking, speech and potty training as well as social skills and general learning. They are always open to discussing what strategies are used at home and help mimic those at nursery to ensure consistency. She is clearly attached to all the staff and runs to them for cuddles in the morning. Like all toddlers she might have the odd clingy day but the staff have lots of distraction and reassurance techniques to help her and again are happy to go at her pace.
Staff are keen to discuss with parents what interests your child and organise little activities that help engage them and share it with the other children in little groups as a learning opportunity for them all.
The environment is clean, warm, bright and focused on the children learning and feeling safe, included, praised and listened to. It is constantly updated in terms of resources and they map out zones for different types of play and exercises - quiet areas, reading areas, dressing up etc. They staff are really innovative and take their job seriously but with lots of fun! There are lots of opportunities for imaginative play, singing, dancing, language, reading, music, art, messy play...the list is endless.
The nursery is focused on the health and mental well being of the children with lots of discussion around feelings and healthy foods and hygiene.
The onsite cook provides nutritious, varied meals and snacks and dietary requirements and allergies are observed and cared for through careful procedures and care plans.
There are lots of outdoor play and discovery opportunities in the garden areas and the children very often go to the woods, the library, the shops etc in small groups with the staff. Children are afforded lots of choices and independence - like choosing and pouring their own cereal which my daughter was so proud to show me! Children are encouraged to help with grown up activities which pays off at home!
The nursery shares information via the Famly App where I can check in through my work day to see how she ate and slept and what activities she has been up to. The online learning journal section is brilliant. Throughout the coronavirus crisis we have been able to keep in touch via this with staff, children and parents to help our little ones feel a sense of normality and hopefully help re introduce them to the setting with ease after restrictions are lifted.
The nursery has parents evenings to discuss progress and if i ever have a query or a concern I (as any parent should) feel entirely comfortable with popping in or having a quick chat on the phone to discuss any little worries i have and they are always quickly resolved.
The staff do a wonderful job and the management obviously facilitate this through investing in their training and helping to develop the ethos and family feeling that our children enjoy so much.
My daughter talks about her nursery, classmates and the staff all the time, happily asking if she can go to nursery in the mornings :) and waves to the building if we pass by!
I highly recommend this nursery and am so grateful to have found it.