Review of a busy care setting!
I was nervous about leaving my daughter initially as my son had been a nightmare transitioning to childcare but she settled quickly here and seemed to make nice bonds with some of the carers. I liked that she seemed to always have had a productive day bringing home lots of lovely artwork. However at times I was left waiting at the front door despite ringing the bell for about 10 minutes and I found Sue and Sarah quite unapproachable at times, not talking to me and leaving me stood there with my shy daughter who was always a bit wary on handover. This left me feeling quite anxious at times, however she always seemed happy when I picked her up. There are more carers there than stated in this overview and I have not been introduced to any of them (although all appear happy and polite in their manner). The after school period is always chaotic and I'm not 100% sure whether its just a free for all for the older kids. On a few occasions I have picked my daughter up and found her to be soiled, with a sore bottom however I appreciate with so many children in their care this must be hard to manage. After deciding to move my daughter due to personal reasons I have been made to feel guilty in a series of text messages which are inappropriate as I will be paying the 4 week notice period giving plenty of time to find a replacement for my child. Apparently customers have been turned away who could have taken my children's spaces (although this site seems to claim there are plenty of spaces in September?) Overall, a very busy setting and in my personal opinion I think this could affect the level of care children are receiving.