Julie the superwoman!!
If we could shout from the rooftop how amazing Dulies is, we would.
I don’t think my words could ever give enough credit and thanks to Julie if I tried.
I could not have chosen a better person to care, protect, educate, nurse, sooth, support and encourage our little man.
Before Benjamin started at Dulies, myself and his dad were rather concered over his social interaction with other children, his emotional well-being when away from us and his confidence around others. Since starting at Dulies he has grown confidence beyond our hopes, with the support and time Benjamin he been given by Julie, Benjamin is flourishing and he is becoming a happy, driven, fearless and independent little man.
Bejamin has been given the ability to happily interact and play with other children of his age, with the encouragement and support of Julie. This has also given Benjamin the opportunity to exlore his emotions, learn to take turns and gain an understanding of himself and his likes and dislikes.
Every day we get to see what he is upto, with photos, which always make us smile and leave us feeling like the proudest parents in the world.
Julie gives the children so many opportunities for growth and learning by takeing the children on days out to many different places, encouraging their learning around tailored topics, encouraging fun and laughter along the way, providing learning growth and exploration along the way.
When Benjamin started with Julie, he was diaganosed with with cows milk protein and lactose allergies. Julie was eager to learn and understand the foods Benjamin could and couldn’t have. Julie provided a well balanacednand varied diet trailered to his allergies.
Benjamin loves his time at Julie’s and has formed an amazing bond with her and her partner, who also helps with children.
Julie is like a modern day Mary Poppins, always going above and beyond, taking on challenges and always eager to support our family by growing her own understanding and knowledge. We are super excited to see how Benjamin will continue to grow along his journey with Julie over the next couple of years.
Julie is such a warm and welcoming person, who is so understanding and patient with us parents, providing a support and reassurance to us parents.
With all the work and time Julie has given to Benjamin, all of our worries and concerns are far gone in the past. Bejamin could not be in a happier place, as well as a home from home setting and we could not have found a more perfect person to help raise our child.
Julie has also looked after our eldest child in the mornings, before she would walk to school. Julie has always encouraged and supported Leanna in dealing with her emotions, support her when she has self doubts and reinforced her strengths.
Leanna said “She is amazing, she is great with the kids, always kind and caring, and always has a listening ear when I have any worries or doubts, and she is always helpful and attentive.”