After meeting Flora, a short time into our first meeting I began to warm to her natural kind nature. She came across positive and completely child focused.
My Daughter started attending around her first birthday. She was very challenging to settle at first when I began leaving her, but Flora did her best to over come this stage reassuring both my daughter and myself. She kept me up to date of her progress with pictures and messages, which I found helped me deal with my own feelings of leaving my child with someone else for the first time. Flora had a lovely bond with my daughter. She used a number of toys and activities both outdoor and indoor to entertain and help the children grow. Some of my daughters favourite times were; messy play, trips to the local park and another child’s birthday celebration held by Flora.
Flora would provide healthy lunches/snacks for my daughter when in her care. She really is hands on with the children, and where possible worked along side us in teachings such as toilet training etc.
My eldest was also able to attend during school holidays and she also really loved Her.
I highly recommend Flora to any other parent out there looking for someone that they can truly trust their children with!