Avatar for Lolo Day

Lolo Day

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3 stars

Good at first...


not currently registered. Carer started off very good but towards the end of the month it seemed like she really wasn't interested but didn't want to say anything. I've paid her for days she hasn't turned up and as she's not registered currently i won't get that money back. I've learnt a lesson

Response from Lolo Day

Yesterday I have received a message from you asking if I was available on this following weekend. You didn’t give me a chance to reply blocking me on WhatsApp without knowing if I could or not. That was a last minute request. So obviously I had to check. The days I”I didn’t” turned up you were tested positive for Covid , and you said your son were staying with his grandparents. Last time I offered you to pick your son up after lunch , since you sent me a message saying you just had woke up , that was 10:30 am. I have been waiting for you to tell me when ou needed me again since you had Covid…. I am still available on the weekends , upon advanced notice. I hope you have recovered well.