Poor management and small outdoor
The keyworkers and previous managers were amazing and made LLL a warm, community-centered place.
Sadly, under new management, this is no longer the case. The new owner/director runs the nursery more like a profit-driven corporation. Their fees increased twice within 3 months.
We gave plenty of notice that our child would be away for 3 months. During month two, we provided 5 weeks' notice to terminate his place, but 8 weeks' notice was required. As a result, we were charged for around 3.5 months of full-time fees - without him attending a single day - amounting to around £4.5k.
Changes to the nursery's environment also reflect this shift - increased barriers and electronic devices at reception between staff and parents, and a lack of opportunity to visit the rooms since our initial tour. Three nursery manager changes in just over a year.
We hope LLL can rediscover the community spirit that made it special.