One year
We found Justine through this website and I would like to strongly recommend her here as a childminder.
We met her after having interviewed five other childminders and being underwhelmed by all of them. This was different. It was instantly clear to us that Bellevue was the right person and place for our little one year old daughter. Not only was her house warm, calm, homey and welcoming, but she herself is a lovely, honest, attentive person. She really stops and listens to children, and she is not overly busy with lots of children.
Before Bellevue, my baby daughter had been in nursery for a few months but had never gotten used to it. At Justine's on the other hand, she instantly felt at home, never once fuzzed about staying (she soon started fuzzing about not wanting to leave when we picked her up though!) and just thrived. She learned to walk, jump, eat her own soup, say words. It has truly been her second home.
Last but not least, Justine's two children are generous with their space and have been incredibly kind and friendly with my daughter, unknowingly teaching her about socialising with peers just by including her in their house and in their games. We will miss them all very much now that my daughter is starting nursery.