Sophie's Reviews


Below are the reviews that Sophie has written.

My two children started at little gems in November 2023, they settled in amazingly, they always had new and exciting things to do in the home and outdoors, they have been loved by Misbah and her family, my daughter especially loved Misbahs husband and created a beautiful bond, where as my son loved misbahs daughter, this showed me that not only does Misbah have a kind and welcoming nature but her whole household does too and they are very much involved with helping and being apart of my children’s time at little gems. My children have excelled while being here, my daughter is quite sensitive and needs a lot of understanding and time which is has always been respected and given. My son has also came along very well and has been taught so much. Misbah has time and understanding for my children and has done for myself, she has been a god send with helping with changing days if I need to and has become a friend to all 3 of us. I am forever grateful to Misbah and her family for loving my children like their own and it was a sad day when it was time for my children to leave to due to my daughter starting school and my son starting a new nursery, this is only because I live far away and starting a job closer to home. It has been a pleasure sending my children to little gems and I can’t thank her enough for providing amazing care, love, time and attention to my children, they have loved coming here and I wish little gems all the best for the future.
All our love Sophie, Mia and Charlie xxx

  • 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Setting
  • 4 stars Cleanliness
  • 5 stars Food
  • 5 stars Communication

by Avatar for Sophie Sophie about Avatar for Misbah Misbah on 05/09/2024