EDP13's Reviews


Below are the reviews that EDP13 has written.

My husband and I met Beth for an interview on Sunday 4th August 2019. Beth came across very well and we agreed to send some further childcare dates over the next 4-6 weeks, a trail date and the childcare rate. This was great news for us as we have friends staying over bank holiday weekend and other requirements for that period which we confirmed following our meeting. After that I sent Beth messages on WhatsApp and by text which she initially responded to. However she has since not responded to my messages which has left us in a very awkward and difficult position. We assume Beth has changed her mind which we respect. However we are thoroughly disappointed she hasn’t had the decency to let us know. We feel quite strongly that this feedback needed to be put on here. We are now back to square one and all our plans will need to be changed or cancelled.

  • 1 stars Overall
  • 1 stars Communication

by Avatar for EDP13 EDP13 about Avatar for Beth Beth on 16/08/2019