Sharon is simply wonderful and she brought my daughter on brilliantly. Sharon would often give me helpful pointers which would help and assist me with things like getting her talking, doing things independently and down to complex things such as potty training! Sharon is very approachable & her ability to “pretend play” is phenomenal. My daughter loved playing with her, wether it be cafes, or babies, sharon was brilliant at communicating and helping and egging my daughter to do things independently. I love how passionate sharon is, others will know how at christmas, halloween, easter and everything in between the children used to come home with little keepsakes and beautifully personalised art work, the effort sharon puts in is outstanding!! I loved reading about all her developments and I was always kept upto date with milestones reached ect. The playroom is always wonderfully set out and toys are frequently rotated to support the children’s learning! Very good, Would defo recommend!!