Priceless care and support.
If you had asked me ‘would you book a doula?’ a couple of years ago, I would have sniggered and dismissed the suggestion outright. I kind of thought Doulas were the preserve of the very rich or slightly ‘alternative’ hippy type households (no offence whatsoever to rich folk or hippies)
Carole however, totally blew away any preconceived ideas of what a doula means. Basically, to me, Carole was the unfaltering love, support and understanding that I didn’t have but really, really needed during and after the birth of my second child.
I initially booked Carole to help with my eldest while we went into hospital to have the new baby, but she actually became the most amazing support, emergency contact and complete lifeline during a extremely vulnerable and challenging extended postnatal period.
It’s very hard to put in to words the extent of the support that Carole has given me and my family over the last year and all I can say is that her support goes well beyond any job description.
She genuinely cares and wants to give love and support from the heart, and that shines through in everything she does.
I would especially encourage anyone who
feels that they don’t have the best or most reliable family support, as well as anyone with any dismissive preconceived ideas about what a doula means, to reach out to Carole.
Honestly, just meet for a coffee and guaranteed she will steal your heart.
I was extremely vulnerable and felt very alone postnatally, but in swooped Carole with her heart of gold. She gave me the love and support of a close family member, held me close when I fell apart, she folded the laundry, she cooked us dinner, she fed the dog, took me to A&E, entertained my toddler... and provided 24/7 on call support when I was at my most scared and vulnerable.... the list goes on (and on)
All I can say to summarise is that there are rare people in this world who really (really!) want to love and support others, and Carole is most certainly one of them...and a whole lot more. I can’t thank her enough for what she has done for us.