Excellent tutor
Sheena is an excellent tutor and I would strongly recommend her. My son adores the way she teaches him .Her lessons are always very well-prepared and delivered in a way my son can understand. She also did help outside of the lessons and marked papers I have sent her which is very kind. Homework wise very limited work given, but she always assured me that whatever she is teaching in class is more than enough .He got offers from top grammar schools . He will be going to one the top 5 in school UK .
I highly recommend Sheena and her approach to preparing your kid in a structured way and toward great success. Teachers are great role models and Sheena is always there to help and support parents. Thank you once again.
Response from Sheena Chan
Thank you again for your kind words. It was a pleasure to work with your son & I'm overjoyed that he's on his way to Reading School come September. Woo hoo