Best Childminder in the Borough
Robyn has been looking after our son since he was 9 months old, he joined in Jan 2020.
When we were first looking for a childminder; the first things we really liked about Robyn was that she had a lovely home, she didn't live too far from the train station, she had a variety of toys, and she also showed a photo album of all the locations she took the kids.
I’m happy to say that she’s all that, and so much more. Choosing Robyn was one of the best decisions we made for our son. Not only is she incredibly kind, patient and have a great sense of humour, but she goes above and beyond for her kids. She’s responsive to messages, always communitive about our son’s progress, achievements, and any concerns, whilst also listening to our own. She also takes the children out to all sorts of places from picking your own fruit farms, to local museums. We’ve discovered many hidden local treasures and fun locations because of her pictures that she shares after each day.
In addition, our son is currently on the waiting list for ASD, and the level of support, advice and time taken out of her usual routine to help us with forms, meetings with Greenwich SENCo and so much more, is staggering. What Robyn has done for our son; we can never repay back enough. Our son has flourished under her care, and whenever it comes to his last day there, we’ll be extremely sad to see her go.
If you have children, and are looking for a childminder, Robyn cannot be recommended enough.