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5 stars

Absolutely Awesome!!!


I would like to share our feelings and opinion on Trisha’s nursery. I can clearly say that it was the best decision ever, we did not expect anyone to give so much love to our son as Trisha gives. Meeting her was a miracle, was something of this world. This is not just a normal nursery, this is love and develop home fulfilled with positive energy and right manners.
Our son Oscar joined the setting and only speaking polish as we are Polish family; English was second language and Oscar didn’t know any English word at all but within 5 months in settling in so well, he was able to speak fluently and make three word or more in a sentence.
He enjoyed play in a rich environment where all children are welcomed and involved in lots of different fun and educational activities both indoors and outdoors; all favourite place is the trampoline , and other activities enabled him to learn and develop his language better around his friends in all areas of learning.
Proud parents as Oscar is more ready for reception full time in school from September after achieving a lot during the 1 year like writing his name Oscar , other names of his favourite heroes like Sonic, Mario, Luigi, learnt to count and identify his numbers 1-10 , know some letters in alphabet, messy play with dough, paint , foam and rhythms / songs he learnt through music and dance sessions / learnt days of the week a song all enjoyed singing at circle time with friends at Trisha’s Childcare and his teachers aunties Tricia and Sarah.
We are very proud of him and how he looks forward each day to go to the setting to learn and have fun games with all friends and teachers.

  • 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Setting
  • 5 stars Cleanliness
  • 5 stars Food
  • 5 stars Communication

Response from Trisha

Jerzy and Klaudia, so humbled for your amazing review about our Trisha’s Childcare. We surely miss our active, talkative, dedicated to accomplish his goals/ work, so neat, friendly and humbled Oscar.
Your son Oscar indeed was an angel! Good listener, cooperated very well with his peers as always solved problems for friends being every one loved being around him. His imagination was incredible when begun to incorporate his language skills using favourite super heroes like Mario, Sonic, Luigi which helped him to even become more popular around his friends being he could recite the whole story/ movie speaking more fluently about all characters in any movie and his communication became outstanding.
Your son indeed made us very proud within the 5 months after settling in, he could write his name so well, he listened with attention to our morning session; reading or special time when all children after being dropped off and settled in, we followed a special routine simple pedagogy but really made all enjoy our morning sessions as it’s adult-led before snack time and all learnt and developed in both prime and specific areas of learning using friendly games like what’s in my bag or bucket , learnt days of the week using songs, learnt about the weather and months of the year and hygiene to wash hands before eating , using the toilet as got to understand simple rules which all is required to know as prepared him and friends for reception class.
Oscar and friends all loved our outdoors environment where they played in areas like tree house then slide, trampoline time was their favourite; always made their day, sand area, messy or sensory play on the tuff tray with different resources and all was freely in reach / initiated well and child-led which enabled them to explore, collaborate and interact with one another as studying outdoor thinking and have gained more knowledge / understanding why it’s very important children to use natural resources or enjoy the nature as know better the world around them and that gave Oscar the freedom to enjoy play time throughout the long day at Trisha’s Childcare!
As dad mentioned only knew polish, didn’t know any word in English and within 5 months was fluently speaking so well in three or more word sentences; learnt his numbers well while counted 1- 20 or more , learnt his alphabets, new nursery rhymes such as; ‘going in a bear hunt, loved follow the leader song, Waka waka dance moves as we used these songs to exercise in the trampoline and all children loved these happy moments’ that was incredible to watch Oscar develop very quickly with our pedagogy and how we engaged and supported all children despite their age, race, religion, colour or gender / disability, Oscar felt always so welcomed and bonded with us adults very well to separate from parents when dropped off happily compared when he started and he made a good relationship and felt comfortable and secure throughout the 1 year he was with us to get him ready for school.
We are very grateful to have worked with such a wonderful, humbled Polish family and very blessed being all my 12 years of service got experienced with many children from polish families and all come when only know their polish language, English is second language but with my miracle touch thankful to God for using me and my mum (Aunty Sarah children call her) and guiding us do our job so well with Love to all the children in our care / setting.
And different cultures/ religions have enjoyed our services and very proud of all our efforts while working with all different families who feel welcomed and their children after a long day in setting, when picked up will cry out loud still want to play !
Always come to visit Jerzy and Klaudia, Oscar welcome anytime he feels want to comeback say hello to friends and his teachers! We are very proud of him and I know in his new reception class / primary school, his teachers very proud of him!
Blessings and Good luck for Oscar’s future!
Trisha’s Childcare Aunty Sarah and Aunty Tricia.
Thank you Rick for uploading again my feedback reply to the parents.(Jerzy and Klaudia).
Also, one more question are you able to change my username from Trishpol to Trisha’s Childcare? As noticed parents struggle to find me ! Thank you Rick. Bless you !
Kind regards,
Patricia Childminder