Negative Experience
Our experience with this provider was a negative one, to the extent that someone who doesn't usually write reviews is writing one. We did much research over the summer to find good childcare but ultimately you have to stick a pin in the map and take a leap of faith and I really wish we had not landed on this one. In the space of a month my son had two nasty bruises to the cheek (must have been some real bangs to bruise an infants sweet chubby cheek so badly). Whilst we understand accidents happen, especially with multiple children to oversee, proper safeguarding procedures were not followed correctly. On one incident the accident was apparently at a library and we were told we didn't need an accident form as the accident happened away from her premises, this is rubbish and it is basic safeguarding to provide an accident report to parents regardless of location. I work in a school and am safeguarding trained. We had decided the provision was substandard and proceeded to seek alternative care. I happened to message her friend on here who informed her we were looking for childcare elsewhere and she terminated the contract with immediate affect that day. No contract was broken and this is also a breach of GDPR from both parties, as a parent it is our perogative to seek alternative provision should we judge services to be substandard. She wanted to cause maximum disruption to our lives but I'm happy to say she failed and we are so much happier in our new situation. Apparently childminders in this area talk to one another and she told me she knew everyone we visited and/or messaged over summer. Quite bizarre and unnerving. Ask for the URN number for Ofsted and do plenty of research. I'm so glad this awful first experience of post maternity leave childcare is behind us.