Rude with attitude.
Awful personality and princess’s attitude. Instead of getting to know children she just sat on the sofa. When asked to interact with a child she pulled a rude face back at me thinking I cannot see her, as if “who am I to request her to do her job?” how dare I to ask her not to sit?”. My second little one apparently went upstairs, got into shower and she didn’t even bother to get him out or dry him out. She was here to watch both kids and was sitting downstairs only with one. At end when I saw her pulling rude face at me I asked her to leave, to which she insulted me and my child with SEN (she was told about it and had no right to comment on his disability, if it’s not your place to comment stay out of it cause your not a doctor) and had a nerve to ask for money!! She did no help with cooking or cleaning, no interaction with children or looking after their safety when they leave her sight. Disgusting person.