1 stars



Jess was known to me from a nursery setting my son attended before I took a gamble and hired her as a part time Nanny, two days a week, for my two children. Her first Nanny role. Despite a detailed job description, an interview that discussed the job description in detail and then a written up, signed and agreed contract in place within just 3 weeks (6 days on duty) she sent me an email with an amended contract that completely changed everything from her duties to her pay and holidays. This was quite shocking to receive out of the blue with no explanation from her just days into the role but I agreed to some of her new terms to move forward. Days later very late on a Sunday evening she emailed me her resignation hours before she was due to start work and was going to leave effective immediately despite a one month notice clause in our contract which she lied and said I had told her she could leave with no notice. In the very short time she was with my family, she was very preoccupied with meeting up with her friends, disguised as playdates for very long stretches of the day, she once too my two year old to the park on a freezing cold February day 3 hours to meet up with her friends. Most decisions she made during the day were made for her benefit and not what was suitable for the children very rarely in her care did my toddler actually nap in the comfort of her own cot. She also failed to keep me informed of her plans each day and where she was taking the children and would add on expenses without keeping receipts, getting approval or discussing beforehand.
I would not recommend Jess to anyone, a very disruptive and dishonest person.

  • 1 stars Overall
  • 3 stars Cleanliness
  • 3 stars Food
  • 1 stars Communication
by AJS