To have a nanny was a very difficult decision for us as Anaya is (was) an extremely shy 3 year old girl and we were worried that she would not settle with anyone. However, Laila understood her needs the moment she walked through our door. She worked very closely with Anaya. Laila gave her the affection and attention she required, whilst allowing her all the space she needed. Following a short 4months, Anaya is a different child. She is more confident and has acquired new skills with both adults and children. Because of Laila, Anaya is ready for nursery next month, which was an overwhelming concern for us.
Over summer she has also had our older girl, Alisha who is 6years old with her. Outdoor playdates, urban farm and crockford bridge farm strawberry picking are just a few of the fabulous activities she has organised for our girls, whilst watsapping photos and videos throughout the day. Laila has also taken Alisha to her swimming lessons whilst taking Anaya into the pool and she has taken sole responsibility for helping Alisha complete the summer reading challenge at the local library.
It has not just been about childcare for us but soooo much more. She has respected our obsession with healthy eating and fitted into our chaotic household just perfectly.
They girls adore her and so do we!
Thank you Laila from the bottom of my heart. Xxxx