Enthusiastic, passionate and dedicated
Ester has been looking after my two boys since September 2022. They are 5 and 2 years old & she looks after my 2 year old for 3 days and does my 5 year old's pick up. I am a junior doctor for the NHS. I will set out two separate feedback:
My 2 year old: Prior to Ester, my 2 year old was in nursery and it broke my heart for 7 months that my son wasn't settling in, he looked upset when I picked him up and he barely ate anything & always looked frightened. My five year old had been at the same nursery and absolutely loved it so when I found Ester I was anxious as I wasn't sure how Aran would find it.
Every day with Ester, Aran has become more confident, loving, unafraid and chatty!! In the beginning he was fussy with food-Ester with time learnt what he liked to eat, introduce foods and it has always been varied. He always sleeps well at Ester's. He was a very shy boy but by believing in him and loving him, Aran has become so much confident and just a very happy child.
My five year old:
Rohan has always been a confident child but when he was at the school's after school club he was overwhelmed by the older children so Ester doing pick ups were so helpful. He loves her food and through Ester, his creativity has blossomed beautifully. Ester every week has a theme on cultural events/ beliefs so for e.g. when it was Chinese New Year that week he came home with drawings of dragons/told me stories about the year and wanted to know so much about why it was celebrated. If he is tired from school, he chills with Ester & Aran and have some down time.
As a junior doctor, I have days where I have struggled to leave on time-Ester has always been understanding and kept the boys entertained.
Sounds awfully cheesy but I do feel like I have won the lottery with Ester!