Amazing childminder
My 2 girls have both been with Louise since they were both 10 months old. One is about to go to school full time and the other is 2 who goes 1/2 days a week. Both of my girls love going to Louise’s house it’s like there second home. Louise and rob have been more like an aunt and uncle to my girls. They have taught them so much, helped them grow, helped them to share, helped them to draw, the list is endless. My girls have both came on great since being there. They do alkinds of activities both indoors and outdoors an I get an online journal with all food and drink e t they have had and also activities they have done that day. I also get pictures sent too. They have other kids of all ages so there is always plenty of other children to play with. I would 100% recommended Louise at childplay to any parent I was so anxious at first with my first daughter but Louise and rob put me at ease and my daughters both soon settled in. I cannot thank Louise and rob enough.