Avatar for Subha201


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5 stars

Peace of mind!


I've been using Subha's childminding service for 2 years now, since my daughter Lily-Ann started reception class/primary school. A month before school started, I was still without a child-minder to do the school run for me and look after Lily-Ann until I got back from work in the evening. I was very worried as I had no family or help to do that job. Even though it was becoming an urgent situation, I didn't want to leave my daughter with just anyone or a person I didn't feel right about.

Well, soon after meeting Subha, I knew she was the right person for the job. Lily-Ann settled in immediately and is very happy there. Subha treats Lily-Ann like she does her own kids - showing her so much love. There's no shortage of cuddles in Subha's house! What I also like is the way Subha handles instances where the children misbehave or have little misunderstandings between themselves. She definitely has the care and necessary skills; and genuinely wants the best for all the kids.

Performing well in school is also important to Subha and she sets aside time for Lily-Ann and the school age kids to do their homework, read or revise; not just all play play play. This is a big help for me personally as I am a single mum working full time and don't get home early enough in the week to do as much with Lily-Ann as I'd like.

Subha has a lovely big house and now has a lovely detached nursery at the rear end, which has all the facilities and space needed for young ones.

In summary, I have TOTAL PEACE OF MIND when my child is in Subha's hands. Subha is again very loving, caring, honest, she listens, understands and takes all comments on board. She is accommodating as much as possible and I'm so glad I found her when I did. God sent!