Outstanding Childcare
There is no better childcare than Kelly’s childcare – Kelly provides such a loving and nurturing care, and I am so lucky to have found her.
My daughter has been happy at Kelly’s from day 1 and I couldn’t be more grateful for all the love and the attentive care that Kelly and her team has given to my daughter. She has a wonderful relationship with Kelly and her team, and she has made good friends with the other children.
Kelly is very organised, and she provides a structured childcare with taking the children out to play (with the paddling pool in Kelly’s garden in the summer!) and by providing delicious home-made meals daily that my daughter is a big fan of – often asking me to make her a lasagna like Kelly does! Kelly has taught my daughter how to write her name, she creates a great routine with lots of story reading, circle time and celebrating all the holidays in a fun manner with lots of games and dressing up and with the photos being shared after for the memories.
It means so much to me (and every parent) to find someone who you can trust with your dearest child whilst you are busy at work, and I feel at ease knowing that my child is in such safe and loving hands.
I am very grateful to Kelly and her team for managing to look after my child so well, and not only providing for her basic needs, but also making it a fun, friendly and warm environment where my daughter develops and thrives.