She contacted me asking if I needed her services to which I replied No. She then sent a sarcastic reply. I would steer clear from her. She also has no ofsted registration and DBS.
Response from Johanna
Dear Mrs Glyne, we exchanged a handful of messages and quickly discovered that both location and rate were unsuitable.
You then decided to compare my rate (the current market rate) to other professions to make me feel inadequate, and finished off with: "it's a firm NO".
Clearly we were getting nowhere, I replied that it was a firm no from myself too.
To that you reacted saying "you're not worth it darling", how belittling?! I tried to leave it there and move on without replying. However you then later threaten me with a bad review - for what?!
I strongly urge you to stop this behaviour rather than continue to belittle, intimidate and destroy reputations of hard working people with your keyboard.
Dear prospective employers, regarding this review, I never worked for this lady.
I would be happy to share screen shots of my communications with Mrs Glyne to give the full story if necessary.